Evolution Film Festival to Support Hospital 57357

Tag Archives: Dubai

Evolution Film Festival to Support Hospital 57357

On March 17, The Evolution Film Festival will launch in Hollywood and in three additional locations: Spain, Dubai and Egypt. The goal of the Evolution Film Festival is to spread cultural awareness and enable filmmakers and festival guests to experience the intricate traditions each culture and country represents.

We are especially pleased to announce that the Film Festival will promote Hospital 57357 and the overall fundraising goal needed in order to expand so we can treat more children with cancer in Hospital 57357. The Co-founder of the festival, Mahmoud Awad, has offered to support Hospital 57357 at the festival in all four locations with opening comments to introduce Hospital 57357 and a make a call to action to donate.

Additionally, the Film Festival will provide a booth at the Los Angeles location for the Egypt Cancer Network for film guests to learn more about how they can get involved an support Hospital 57357. To learn more about the Evolution Film Festival, you can visit their website www.evolutionfilmfestival.com.